CJ Lindsey Net Worth

CJ Lindsey Net Worth, Source of Income and Bio

CJ Lindsey Biography

CJ Lindsey is an American actor known for his roles in various television series and films. His career in the entertainment industry has been marked by a series of notable performances, particularly in the series “Mistresses” (2013) and the film “In the Morning” (2014).

CJ Lindsey Net Worth


  • Full name: CJ Lindsey
  • Gender: Male
  • Nationality: American
  • Profession: Actor
  • Spouse: Rochelle Aytes
  • Net worth: N/A

Early Life & Education

CJ Lindsey was born into a family that valued creativity and expression. From a young age, he showed an interest in the performing arts, participating in school plays and local theater productions. His passion for acting led him to pursue formal education in the field, honing his craft through rigorous training and study.


Lindsey’s professional career began with small roles in television and short films. His dedication and talent did not go unnoticed, as he soon found himself taking on more significant parts. His breakthrough came with the role of Detective Tommy Cannon in the television series “Mistresses,” which garnered him critical acclaim and a growing fan base. Following this success, Lindsey continued to build his portfolio with a variety of roles that showcased his versatility as an actor.

CJ Lindsey Net Worth

Personal Life

CJ Lindsey is known to be a family man. He married Rochelle Aytes, and together they have built a life that balances the demands of his career with the joys of personal fulfillment. Lindsey is also known for his thoughtful perspective on the impact of film and storytelling, believing in the power of cinema to transcend barriers and inspire change.

Net Worth & Source of Income

While the exact figures of CJ Lindsey’s net worth are not publicly disclosed, it is understood that his income stems primarily from his acting career. His performances in television and film have not only earned him recognition but also financial stability. The entertainment industry, with its various avenues for revenue such as salaries, royalties, and endorsements, has been the main source of his income.

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