Junior Pope: Picture Or Video Recording That Is Not Accredited By Late Actor's Family Shall Not Be Allowed – AGN President

Junior Pope: Picture Or Video Recording That Is Not Accredited By Late Actor’s Family Shall Not Be Allowed – AGN President, Emeka Rollas

The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has issued a warning, banning meaningless photos and videos from being taken during Junior Pope’s burial service.

Junior Pope: Picture Or Video Recording That Is Not Accredited By Late Actor’s Family Shall Not Be Allowed – AGN President, Emeka Rollas

In an Instagram post on Tuesday, AGN president Emeka Rollas said;

It’s a devastating and sorrowful period for the Actors Guild of Nigeria therefore we shall not indulge in any unnecessary picture or video recording that is not by the official photographers at the proceedings of the final journey of our departed colleague. All Press/ Bloggers must be accredited by the family.”

“Special thanks to Hon Peter Aniekwe Udogalanya Member representing the good people of Anambra East & West Federal Constituency, Hon Maureen Gwacham member representing the good people of Oyi & Ayamelum Federal constituency, Hon Peter Ifeanyi Uzokwe member representing the good people of Nnewi North/South & Ekwusigo Federal constituency at the House of representatives. Chief Kenneth Ifekudu [Agbalanze] and of course Lady Ada Anene [ Ada Ozubulu] for all the support.”

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